CNRS Associate Researcher
Institut de Physique de Nice
17, rue Julien Lauprêtre
06200 Nice, France
(+33) (0)
ReseacherID: E-2081-2012
ORCID: 0000-0001-8194-8351
I'm a member of the cold-atom team since 2012 and the head of the team since July 2024.
Main current projects:
- Cold atoms in 1D lattices: photonic and quantum properties (since 2022)
- Intensity correlations for astrophysics (since 2015)
- Super- and subradiance in dilute and disordered cold atomic samples (2013-2022)
- Random laser in cold atoms (2007-2016)
- Photonic band gaps and DFB lasing in cold atoms (2010-2012, at Tübingen University)
- Lévy flights of light in hot vapors (2008-2009)
- Bose-Einstein condensation and atom laser (2003-2007, at Institut d'Optique)
Personal information: born 1st November 1980 ; one child.
- 2020: Habilitation in physics, Université Côte d'Azur (Nice, France).
- 2007: PhD in physics, Université Paris-Sud (Orsay, France). Doctoral advisor: Alain Aspect.
- 2003: Master degree "Optics and photonics", Université Paris-Sud (Orsay, France).
- 2003: Engineering degree from Institut d’Optique (Palaiseau, France).
- Since Oct. 2012: CNRS Research Associate at INPHYNI (formerly INLN).
- Jan. 2010 – Aug. 2012: Post-doc (project leader) at Tübingen University (Germany) in the group of Claus Zimmermann. Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
- June 2007 – Sept. 2009: Post-doc at INLN in the group of Robin Kaiser.
- Oct. 2003 – May 2007: Graduate student at Institut d'Optique (Palaiseau, France) in the group of Alain Aspect and Philippe Bouyer.
- 2022: Research grant of the French National Research Agency (ANR), project "Novel approaches for light-matter interfaces with 1D ordered atomic ensembles" (1DOrder) (co-PI, 155 k€ for our team).
- 2020: Research grant of the French National Research Agency (ANR), project "Intensity Interferometry at Calern" (I2C) (PI of the consortium, 409 k€ in total, 227 k€ for our team).
- 2017: Research grant of Université Côte d'Azur (IDEX), project "Intensity Correlations: from Atoms to Stars" (28 k€).
- 2012: Post-doc grant of the Carl Zeiss Foundation (160 k€ for two years). I declined to take the CNRS position.
- 2009: Post-doc grant of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (two years: 2010 – 2011).
- 2003: PhD grant of the DGA (three years: 2003 – 2006).
For citation data, see my author page on Web Of Science.
Proceedings are included only if they contain original material not published otherwise.
Go directly to 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005.
- Increasing the sensitivity of stellar intensity interferometry with optical telescopes: first laboratory test of spectral multiplexing
S. Tolila, G. Labeyrie, R. Kaiser, J.-P. Rivet, W. Guerin
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy & Astrophysics, p. 197 (SF2A, 2024), preprint: arXiv:2411.08417
- Super- and subradiance in dilute disordered cold atomic samples: observations and interpretations
W. Guerin
in Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, vol. 72, 2023, pages 253-296
Edited by L. DiMauro, H. Perrin, and S. Yelin (Elsevier)
Preprint: arXiv:2306.02891
- Intensity interferometry observations of the Hα envelope of γ Cas with MéO and a portable telescope
N. Matthews, J.-P. Rivet, D. Vernet, M. Hugbart, G. Labeyrie, R. Kaiser, J. Chabé, C. Courde, O. Lai, F. Vakili, O. Garde, W. Guerin
Astron. J. 167, 117 (2023), preprint: arXiv:2301.04878
- Optical interpretation of linear-optics superradiance and subradiance
S. Asselie, A. Cipris, W. Guerin
Phys. Rev. A 106, 063712 (2022), preprint: arXiv:2209.00918
- Field and intensity correlations: the Siegert relation from stars to quantum emitters
P. Lassègues, M. A. F. Biscassi, M. Morisse, A. Cidrim, N. Matthews, G. Labeyrie, J.-P.-Rivet, F. Vakili, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin, R. Bachelard, M. Hugbart
Eur. Phys. J. D 76, 246 (2022), preprint: arXiv:2209.06480
- Intensity interferometry at Calern and beyond: progress report
N. Matthews, J.-P. Rivet, M. Hugbart, G. Labeyrie, R. Kaiser, O. Lai, F. Vakili, D. Vernet, J. Chabé, C. Courde, N. Schuhler, P. Bourget, W. Guerin
Proc. SPIE 12183, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VIII, 121830G (2022), preprint: arXiv:2209.02477
- Combined spectroscopy and intensity interferometry to determine the distances of the blue supergiants P Cygni and Rigel
E. S. G. de Almeida, M. Hugbart, A. Domiciano de Souza, J.-P. Rivet, F. Vakili, A. Siciak, G. Labeyrie, O. Garde, N. Matthews, O. Lai, D. Vernet, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin
MNRAS 515, 1 (2022), preprint: arXiv:2204.00372
- Revival of intensity interferometry with modern photonic technologies
W. Guerin, J.-P. Rivet, M. Hugbart, F. Vakili, E. S. G. de Almeida, A. Domiciano de Souza, G. Labeyrie, N. Matthews, O. Lai, P.-M. Gori, D. Vernet, J. Chabé, C. Courbe, E. Samain, B. V. Castilho, A. M. Magalhaes, E. Janot-Pacheco, A. Carciofi, P. Bourget, N. Schuhler, R. Kaiser
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy & Astrophysics, p. 331 (SF2A, 2021)
- Subradiance in dilute atomic ensembles: Role of pairs and multiple scattering
Y. A. Fofanov, I. M. Sokolov, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin
Phys. Rev. A 104, 023705 (2021), preprint: arXiv:2012.10659
- I3T: Intensity Interferometry Imaging Telescope
P.-M. Gori, F. Vakili, J.-P. Rivet, W. Guerin, M. Hugbart, A. Chiavassa, A. Vakili, R. Kaiser, G. Labeyrie
MNRAS 505, 2328 (2021), preprint: arXiv:2105.07072
- van der Waals dephasing for Dicke subradiance in cold atomic clouds
A. Cipris, R. Bachelard, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin
Phys. Rev. A 103, 033714 (2021), preprint: arXiv:2012.06248
- Subradiance with saturated atoms: population enhancement of the long-lived states
A. Cipris, N. A. Moreira, T. S. do Espirito Santo, P. Weiss, C. J. Villas-Boas, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin, R. Bachelard
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 103604 (2021), preprint: arXiv:2009.05172
- Superradiance as single scattering embedded in an effective medium
P. Weiss, A. Cipris, R. Kaiser, I. M. Sokolov, W. Guerin
Phys. Rev. A 103, 023702 (2021), preprint: arXiv:2011.05201
- Connecting field and intensity correlations: The Siegert relation and how to test it
D. Ferreira, R. Bachelard, W. Guerin, R. Kaiser, M. Fouché
Am. J. Phys. 88, 831 (2020), preprint: arXiv:2002.05425
- A comparison of g(1)(t), g(3/2)(t) and g(2)(t) for radiation from harmonic oscillators in Brownian motion with a coherent background
A. Siciak, M. Hugbart, W. Guerin, R. Kaiser, L. A. Orozco
Phys. Scr. 95, 104001 (2020), preprint: arXiv:2007.06470
- Intensity interferometry of P Cygni in the Hα emission line: towards distance calibration of LBV supergiant stars
J.-P. Rivet, A. Siciak, E. S. G. de Almeida, F. Vakili, A. Domiciano de Souza, M. Fouché, O. Lai, D. Vernet, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 494, 218 (2020), preprint: arXiv:1910.08366
- Mirrorless lasing and cooperative scattering with cold atoms
William Guerin
Habilitation thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2020 (Nice, France)
Reprint: tel-02924393
- Optical-depth scaling of light scattering from a dense and cold atomic 87Rb gas
K. J. Kemp, S. J. Roof, M. D. Havey, I. M. Sokolov, D. V. Kupriyanov, W. Guerin
Phys. Rev. A 101, 033832 (2020), preprint: arXiv:1807.10939
- Collective excitation dynamics of a cold-atom cloud
T. S. do Espirito Santo, P. Weiss, A. Cipris, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin, R. Bachelard, J. Schachenmayer
Phys. Rev. A 101, 013617 (2020), preprint: arXiv:1910.06679
Editors' suggestion
- Collective Multi-mode Vacuum Rabi Splitting
W. Guerin, T. S. do Espirito Santo, P. Weiss, A. Cipris, J. Schachenmayer, R. Kaiser, R. Bachelard
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 243401 (2019), preprint: arXiv:1909.06454
- Robustness of Dicke subradiance against thermal decoherence
P. Weiss, A. Cipris, M. O. Araújo, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin
Phys. Rev. A 100, 033833 (2019), preprint: arXiv:1906.02918
- Dressed dense atomic gases
I. Lesanovsky, B. Olmos, W. Guerin, R. Kaiser
Phys. Rev. A 100, 021401(R) (2019), preprint: arXiv:1902.02989
- Comparison of three approaches to light scattering by dilute cold atomic ensembles
I. M. Sokolov, W. Guerin
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, 2030 (2019), preprint: arXiv:1902.04289
- Intensity interferometry revival on the Côte d'Azur
O. Lai, W. Guerin, F. Vakili, R. Kaiser, J.-P. Rivet, M. Fouché, G. Labeyrie, J. Chabé, C. Courde, E. Samain, D. Vernet
Proc. SPIE 10701, Interferometry and Imaging VI, 1070121 (2018), preprint: arXiv:1810.0823
- Optical long baseline intensity interferometry: prospects for stellar physics
J.-P. Rivet, F. Vakili, O. Lai, D. Vernet, M. Fouché, W. Guerin, G. Labeyrie, R. Kaiser
Exp. Astron. 46, 531 (2018) [free link for online reading], preprint: arXiv:1805.06078
- Spatial intensity interferometry on three bright stars
W. Guerin, J.-P. Rivet, M. Fouché, G. Labeyrie, D. Vernet, F. Vakili, R. Kaiser
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 480, 245 (2018), preprint: arXiv:1805.06653
- Subradiance and radiation trapping in cold atoms
P. Weiss, M. O. Araújo, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin
New J. Phys. 20, 063024 (2018), preprint: arXiv:1803.01646
- Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of cold atoms in ballistic motion
A. Eloy, Z. Yao, R. Bachelard, W. Guerin, M. Fouché, R. Kaiser
Phys. Rev. A 97, 013810 (2018), preprint: arXiv:1710.03974
- Decay dynamics in the coupled-dipole model
M. O. Araújo, W. Guerin, R. Kaiser
J. Mod. Opt. 65, 1345 (2018) [link for 50 free copies], preprint: arXiv:1705.02190
- Temporal intensity interferometry: photon bunching on three bright stars
W. Guerin, A. Dussaux, M. Fouché, G. Labeyrie, J.-P. Rivet, D. Vernet, F. Vakili, R. Kaiser
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 472, 4126 (2017), preprint: arXiv:1708.06119
- Population of collective modes in light scattering by many atoms
W. Guerin, R. Kaiser
Phys. Rev. A 95, 053865 (2017), preprint: arXiv:1702.01053
- Light interacting with atomic ensembles: collective, cooperative and mesoscopic effects
W. Guerin, M. T. Rouabah, R. Kaiser
J. Mod. Opt. 64, 895 (2017) [link for 50 free copies], preprint: arXiv:1605.02439
- Noise spectroscopy with large clouds of cold atoms
S. Vartabi Kashanian, A. Eloy, W. Guerin, M. Lintz, M. Fouché, R. Kaiser
Phys. Rev. A 94, 043622 (2016), preprint: arXiv:1606.07658
- Collective effects in the radiation pressure force
R. Bachelard, N. Piovella, W. Guerin, R. Kaiser
Phys. Rev. A 94, 033836 (2016), preprint: arXiv:1607.01157
- Diffusive to quasi-ballistic random laser: incoherent and coherent models
W. Guerin, Y. D. Chong, Q. Baudouin, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter, R. Kaiser
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 33, 1888 (2016), preprint: arXiv:1606.03679
Editors' Pick
- Superradiance in a large and dilute cloud of cold atoms in the linear-optics regime
M. O. Araújo, I. Krešić, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 073002 (2016), preprint: arXiv:1603.07204
- Temporal intensity correlation of light scattered by a hot atomic vapor
A. Dussaux, T. Passerat de Silans, W. Guerin, O. Alibart, S. Tanzilli, F. Vakili, R. Kaiser
Phys. Rev. A 93, 043826 (2016), preprint: arXiv:1601.00853
- Subradiance in a Large Cloud of Cold Atoms
W. Guerin, M. O. Araújo, R. Kaiser
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 083601 (2016), preprint: arXiv:1509.00227
PRL Editors' Suggestion; see also: Storing Light in the Dark, by A. Carmele, Physics 9, 20 (2016)
Press: Brazilian Physical Society, INP CNRS
- Raman process under condition of radiation trapping in a disordered atomic medium
L. V. Gerasimov, V. M. Ezhova, D. V. Kupriyanov, Q. Baudouin, W. Guerin, R. Kaiser
Phys. Rev. A 90, 013814 (2014), preprint: physics/1401.6641
- Cold and hot atomic vapors: a testbed for astrophysics?
Q. Baudouin, W. Guerin, R. Kaiser
in Annual Review of Cold Atoms and Molecules, vol. 2, edited by K. Madison, K. Bongs, L. D. Carr, A. M. Rey, and H. Zhai (World Scientific, Singapour, 2014)
Preprint: hal-00968233
- Microscopic characterization of Lévy flights of light in atomic vapors
N. Mercadier, M. Chevrollier, W. Guerin, R. Kaiser
Phys. Rev. A 87, 063837 (2013), preprint: physics/1305.1714
- A cold-atom random laser
Q. Baudouin, N. Mercadier, V. Guarrera, W. Guerin, R. Kaiser
Nature Phys. 9, 357 (2013), preprint : physics/1301.0522
See also Lasers: Amplified by randomness, by V. Vuletic, Nature Phys. News and Views 9, 325 (2013)
Press: Physics World, MIT Technology Review, Wired, POPSCI, Le fil UNS, WebTimeMedias, INP CNRS
- Photonic properties of one-dimensionally-ordered cold atomic vapors under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency
A. Schilke, C. Zimmermann, W. Guerin
Phys. Rev. A 86, 023809 (2012), preprint: arXiv:1206.2622
- Optical parametric oscillation with distributed Feedback in cold atoms
A. Schilke, C. Zimmermann, Ph. W. Courteille, W. Guerin
Nature Photon. 6, 101 (2012), preprint: arXiv:1109.6114
See also All-atom parametric oscillator, by M. T. Rakher and K. Srinivasan, Nature Photon. News and Views 6, 73 (2012)
Press: Laser Community, Reutlinger General-Anzeiger, Schwäbisches Tagblatt
- Quasicontinuous horizontally guided atom laser: coupling spectrum and flux limits
A. Bernard, W. Guerin, J. Billy, F. Jendrzejewski, P. Cheinet, A. Aspect, V. Josse, P. Bouyer
New J. Phys. 13, 065015 (2011), preprint: arXiv:1012.2971
- Photonic Band Gaps in One-Dimensionally Ordered Cold Atomic Vapors
A. Schilke, C. Zimmermann, Ph. W. Courteille, W. Guerin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 223903 (2011), preprint: arXiv:1101.3469
- Anomalous photon diffusion in atomic vapors
M. Chevrollier, N. Mercadier, W. Guerin, R. Kaiser
Eur. Phys. J. D 58, 161 (2010), preprint : physics/1001.0320
EPJD Highlight; press : Europhysics News 41 (4), 10 (2010)
- Towards a random laser with cold atoms
W. Guerin, N. Mercadier, F. Michaud, D. Brivio, L. S. Froufe-Pérez, R. Carminati, V. Eremeev, A. Goetschy, S. E. Skipetrov, R. Kaiser
J. Opt 12, 024002 (2010), preprint : physics/0906.0714
- Threshold of a random laser based on Raman gain in cold atoms
W. Guerin, N. Mercadier, D. Brivio and R. Kaiser
Opt. Express 17, 11236 (2009), preprint : physics/0903.5190
- Lévy flights of photons in hot atomic vapours
N. Mercadier, W. Guerin, M. Chevrollier and R. Kaiser
Nature Phys. 5, 602 (2009), preprint : physics/0904.2454
Press : CNRS INP News, Le Journal du CNRS
- Threshold of a Random Laser with Cold Atoms
L. Froufe-Pérez, W. Guerin, R. Carminati and R. Kaiser
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 173903 (2009), preprint : physics/0812.0266
Press : Physical Review Focus / PhysOrg.Com / Photonics Spectra
- Mechanisms for Lasing with Cold Atoms as the Gain Medium
W. Guerin, F. Michaud, R. Kaiser,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 093002 (2008), preprint: physics/0804.0109
- Theoretical tools for atom-laser-beam propagation
J.-F. Riou, Y. Le Coq, F. Impens, W. Guerin, C. J. Bordé, A. Aspect, P. Bouyer
Phys. Rev. A 77, 033630 (2008), preprint: arXiv:0802.4039
- Guided atom laser: a new tool for guided atom optics
J. Billy, V. Josse, Z. Zuo, W. Guerin, A. Aspect, P. Bouyer
Ann. Phys. (France) 32, 17 (2007), preprint: arXiv:0712.1482
- Source atomique cohérente dans des pièges optique et magnétique: réalisation d'un laser à atomes guidé
PhD thesis of Université Paris Sud 11 (Orsay, France); Doctoral Advisor: Alain Aspect
Reprint (in French): tel-00146375
- Guided Quasicontinuous Atom Laser
W. Guerin, J.-F. Riou, J. P. Gaebler, V. Josse, P. Bouyer, A. Aspect
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 200402 (2006), preprint: arXiv:0607438
Press: Physics Today, AIP Physics News Update, Nature Physics,,
- Beam Quality of a Nonideal Atom Laser
J.-F. Riou, W. Guerin, Y. Le Coq, M. Fauquembergue, V. Josse, P. Bouyer, A. Aspect
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 070404 (2006), preprint: arXiv:0509281
- Partially ferromagnetic electromagnet for trapping and cooling neutral atoms to quantum degeneracy
M. Fauquembergue, J.-F. Riou, W. Guerin, S. Rangwala, F. Moron, A. Villing, Y. Le Coq, P. Bouyer, A. Aspect, M. Lécrivain
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 103104 (2005), preprint: arXiv:0507129