ANR project: Intensity Interferometry at Calern (I2C)
This collaborative project gathers physicists, astrophysicists, and specialists of time metrology in the Nice area in order to revive intensity interferometry with modern photonic technologies. This technique, initially pionneered by Hanbury Brown and Twiss (HBT) in the 1950s-1970s, was abandonned because of its poor sensitivity. Today, the progress in photon detectors and digital electronics, and the prospects of using this technique with arrays of large collectors, motivates a revival.Our approach in Nice is to work with standard optical telescopes (as opposed to Cherenkov telescopes) and photon-counting detectors. This allowed us to be the first group since HBT to succeed in observing temporal and spatial photon bunching with star light (2017).
In 2020 we obtained a research grant from the French national research agency (ANR) to support our effort (Grant ANR-20-CE31-0003, 409 k€ for 4 years: 2021-2024).
News & events
Sept. 2024: A workshop at Porquerolles
We're organizing a workshop on stellar intensity interferometry at Porquerolles in Septembre 2024. Check out the webpage of the event to know more!
April 2024: An ERC grant for Robin Kaiser !
Robin's ERC proposal, called IC4Stars (Intensity Correlations for Stars) has been accepted! This is a follow-up of the ANR I2C project. This new grant will allow us to move forward much faster. Congratulation Robin and to all of us!
May 2023: Successful interferometric observation with 3 telescopes at Paranal!
With the help of two VLT scientitists, Nicolas Schuhler (first left) and Pierre Bourget (first right), we succeeded in observing the intensity correlations on 2 different stars. As last time, the "stellar interferometer" has been transported in only three suitcases!
April 2022: Nolan Matthews won a PhD thesis prize!
Nolan has been awarded the Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Doctoral Dissertation Award in Astrophysics from the American Physical Society for his PhD work on intensity interferometry at the VERITAS observatory. He was invited to present his work at the APS April meeting in New York. Congratulations!
March 2022: Successful interferometric observation at Paranal (VLT)!
With the help of two VLT scientitists, Pierre Bourget (first left) and Nicolas Schuhler (fourth left), we succeeded in adapting our instrument to the telescopes and in observing the intensity correlations on 3 different stars.
Jan. 2022: Successful interferometric observations between MéO and David Vernet's mobile telescope
Oct. 2021: The I2C webpage is back!
After several months of interruption and the complete loss of data (due to the fire of the data center), the I2C webpage is finally back. But this is still a work in progress...
April 2021: Welcome to Nolan Matthews!
Nolan joined our team as a post-doc, funded by the ANR grant. He did his PhD on intensity interferometry on the VERITAS array and is already a recognized expert in the subject. Welcome in Nice!
- Institut de Physique de Nice, team "cold atoms" (UCA, CNRS)
- Robin Kaiser (PI of the ERC project IC4Stars, 2025-2030)
- William Guerin (PI of the ANR project I2C, 2021-2025)
- Mathilde Hugbart
- Guillaume Labeyrie
- Sarah Tolila (PhD student, 2024-2027)
- Lagrange Laboratory (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, UCA, CNRS)
- Olivier Lai (co-PI of the ANR project I2C)
- Jean-Pierre Rivet
- Armando Domiciano
- Farrokh Vakili (retired)
- Pierre-Marie Gori (PhD student)
- Géoazur Laboratory, team MéO (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, UCA, CNRS)
- Julien Chabé (co-PI of the ANR project I2C)
- Clément Courde
- Jan. 2025: Start of the ERC project IC4Stars.
- May 2023: Observing mission (5 nights) at Paranal observatory in Chile: successful interferometry with 3 telescopes.
- Mar. 2022: Observing mission (6 nights) at Paranal observatory in Chile. Publication of the data (among other things) in a SPIE proceedings in 2022.
- Jan. 2022: First interferometric measurements between the laser-ranging MéO telescope and David Vernet's mobile 1 m telescope. Publication in Astron. J. in 2023.
- May 2021: Publication in MNRAS of the I3T concept (Intensity Interferometry Imaging Telescope).
- Jan. 2021: Start of the ANR project I2C. Arrival of Nolan Matthews as a post-doc in April.
- Fev. and Aug. 2020: Observing campaigns on C2PU in Hα, of Rigel in February and P Cygni in August. Publication in MNRAS in 2022.
- Apr. 2019: One-night observing mission to the 4 m SOAR telescope in Chile. Publication of those data in the SF2A 2021 proceedings.
- Oct. 2018: OCA joins the CTA consortium through its working group on intensity interferometry.
- Aug. 2018: Interferometric measurement campaign on P Cygni using its bright Hα emission line. Publication in MNRAS in 2020.
- Oct. 2017: Observation of spatial photon bunching using the two telescopes of C2PU separated by 15 m. Publication in MNRAS in 2018.
- Feb. 2017: Observation of photon bunching with stellar light using a single telescope, in the photon-counting regime. Publication in MNRAS in 2017.
- Jan. 2015: Start of the project with Antoine Dussaux's arrival as a post-doc (grant from Nice University).
- Pupil Plane Intensity Interferometry with Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes
N. Matthews, P.-M. Gori, F. Vakili
MNRAS, in press (2025), preprint: coming soon
- Increasing the sensitivity of stellar intensity interferometry with optical telescopes: first laboratory test of spectral multiplexing
S. Tolila, G. Labeyrie, R. Kaiser, J.-P. Rivet, W. Guerin
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy & Astrophysics, p. 197 (SF2A, 2024), preprint: arXiv:2411.08417
- Intensity interferometry observations of the Hα envelope of γ Cas with MéO and a portable telescope
N. Matthews, J.-P. Rivet, D. Vernet, M. Hugbart, G. Labeyrie, R. Kaiser, J. Chabé, C. Courde, O. Lai, F. Vakili, O. Garde, W. Guerin
Astron. J. 167, 117 (2023), preprint: arXiv:2301.04878
- Field and intensity correlations: the Siegert relation from stars to quantum emitters
P. Lassègues, M. A. F. Biscassi, M. Morisse, A. Cidrim, N. Matthews, G. Labeyrie, J.-P.-Rivet, F. Vakili, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin, R. Bachelard, M. Hugbart
Eur. Phys. J. D 76, 246 (2022), preprint: arXiv:2209.06480
- OWL-Moon: Very high resolution spectropolarimetric interferometry and imaging from the Moon: exoplanets to cosmology
J. Schneider, J. Silk, F. Vakili
Exp. Astron. 54, 1351 (2022), preprint: arXiv:2208.05971
- Intensity interferometry at Calern and beyond: progress report
N. Matthews, J.-P. Rivet, M. Hugbart, G. Labeyrie, R. Kaiser, O. Lai, F. Vakili, D. Vernet, J. Chabé, C. Courde, N. Schuhler, P. Bourget, W. Guerin
Proc. SPIE 12183, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VIII, 121830G (2022), preprint: arXiv:2209.02477
- Achieving diffraction limited imaging with an Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope
P.-M. Gori, F. Vakili, N. Matthews, J.-P. Rivet, W. Guerin, A. Chiavassa, M. Hugbard, O. Lai, R. Kaiser
Proc. SPIE 12183, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VIII, 121831W (2022)
- Combined spectroscopy and intensity interferometry to determine the distances of the blue supergiants P Cygni and Rigel
E. S. G. de Almeida, M. Hugbart, A. Domiciano de Souza, J.-P. Rivet, F. Vakili, A. Siciak, G. Labeyrie, O. Garde, N. Matthews, O. Lai, D. Vernet, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin
MNRAS 515, 1 (2022), preprint: arXiv:2204.00372
- Revival of intensity interferometry with modern photonic technologies
W. Guerin, J.-P. Rivet, M. Hugbart, F. Vakili, E. S. G. de Almeida, A. Domiciano de Souza, G. Labeyrie, N. Matthews, O. Lai, P.-M. Gori, D. Vernet, J. Chabé, C. Courbe, E. Samain, B. V. Castilho, A. M. Magalhaes, E. Janot-Pacheco, A. Carciofi, P. Bourget, N. Schuhler, R. Kaiser
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy & Astrophysics, p. 331 (SF2A, 2021)
- Spectral multiplexing in intensity interferometry
O. Lai, G. Labeyrie, W. Guerin, F. Vakili, R. Kaiser, J.-P. Rivet, M. Hugbart, N. Matthews, J. Chabé, C. Courbe, E. Samain, D. Vernet
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy & Astrophysics, p. 335 (SF2A, 2021)
- I3T: Intensity Interferometry Imaging Telescope
P.-M. Gori, F. Vakili, J.-P. Rivet, W. Guerin, M. Hugbart, A. Chiavassa, A. Vakili, R. Kaiser, G. Labeyrie
MNRAS 505, 2328 (2021), preprint: arXiv:2105.07072
- OWL-Moon in 2050 and beyond
J. Schneider, J. Silk, F. Vakili
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 379, 20200187 (2020)
- Intensity interferometry of P Cygni in the Hα emission line: towards distance calibration of LBV supergiant stars
J.-P. Rivet, A. Siciak, E. S. G. de Almeida, F. Vakili, A. Domiciano de Souza, M. Fouché, O. Lai, D. Vernet, R. Kaiser, W. Guerin
MNRAS 494, 218 (2020), preprint: arXiv:1910.08366
- Intensity interferometry revival on the Côte d'Azur
O. Lai, W. Guerin, F. Vakili, R. Kaiser, J.-P. Rivet, M. Fouché, G. Labeyrie, J. Chabé, C. Courde, E. Samain, D. Vernet
Proc. SPIE 10701, 1070121 (2018), preprint: arXiv:1810.0823
- Optical long baseline intensity interferometry: prospects for stellar physics
J.-P. Rivet, F. Vakili, O. Lai, D. Vernet, M. Fouché, W. Guerin, G. Labeyrie, R. Kaiser
Exp. Astron. 46, 531 (2018) [free link for online reading], preprint: arXiv:1805.06078
- Spatial intensity interferometry on three bright stars
W. Guerin, J.-P. Rivet, M. Fouché, G. Labeyrie, D. Vernet, F. Vakili, R. Kaiser
MNRAS 480, 245 (2018), preprint: arXiv:1805.06653
- Temporal intensity interferometry: photon bunching on three bright stars
W. Guerin, A. Dussaux, M. Fouché, G. Labeyrie, J.-P. Rivet, D. Vernet, F. Vakili, R. Kaiser
MNRAS 472, 4126 (2017), preprint: arXiv:1708.06119
- Temporal intensity correlation of light scattered by a hot atomic vapor
A. Dussaux, T. Passerat de Silans, W. Guerin, O. Alibart, S. Tanzilli, F. Vakili, R. Kaiser
Phys. Rev. A 93, 043826 (2016), preprint: arXiv:1601.00853