Waves and quantum physics

Quantum and wave physics is behind a wide range of technological and societal innovations. The Waves and Quantum Physics research axis groups different teams whose theoretical and experimental strengths are internationally recognized. The breadth of expertise includes wave propagation in complex media and theoretical physics, as well as the physics of cold atoms and strongly-correlated quantum gases.

Coordinator: Matthieu Bellec

Cold Atoms


Wave propagation in diffusive media is an important subject for numerous fields (medical imaging, acoustics, seismology, stellar physics, …). The experiments that we pursue make use of an original medium: a laser-cooled atomic cloud. The peculiar properties of this diffusive medium (strong resonances, strong nonlinearity, quantum internal structure of the scatterers, mechanical effects of light on the atoms, quantum effects…) give rise to a very rich physics. We study several subjects in this context. More generally, we are interested in collective effects in light-atom interaction, which include multiple scattering of light but also nonlinear optics or cooperative scattering. We have also studied dynamics of matter waves with a Bose-Einstein condensation experiment. Finally, we have been involved in a fruitful collaboration with astrophysicists on the measurement of light correlations (Hanbury Brown and Twiss technique). Our work is mainly experimental, using three cold-atom apparatus and several smaller hot-vapor setups, but also theoretical, in particular through many collaborations.

Team members

Apoorva Apoorva
Asselie Stéphan
Benedicto Daniel
Caldani Romain
Fernandes-Biscassi Mateus
Gabteni Adam
Guerin William – group leader
Hugbart Mathilde
Kaiser Robin
Kastberg Anders
Labeyrie Guillaume
Lopes Matias Naudson Lucas
Mitchell Galvao De Melo Alvaro
Morisse Martial
Nazon Jean-Marcel
Saint-Jalm Raphaël
Singh Deo Apoorav
Tolila Sarah

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Waves in complex systems


The group Waves in complex systems is interested in controlling the classical wave transport properties in various systems whose mastered designs range from homogeneous systems with complex geometries to either periodic or disordered structured materials. Thanks to experimental versatile platforms in optics and microwaves, and with a strong expertise in numerical simulations in wave chaos theory (effective Hamiltonian, random matrix theory), the group investigates various themes : mixed dynamics in multimode optical fibers, electromagnetic chaotic reverberation chambers, superfluidity and condensation of light, analog approaches of topological effects in condensed matter, wave diffusion or localization. While the undertaken studies are motivated by the incentive of addressing fundamental questions, they still give rise to numerous applicative developments.

Team members

Aubry Geoffroy
Bellec Matthieu
Colliard Leo
Doya Valerie
Keyrouz Carelle
Kuhl Ulrich
Legrand Olivier
Lu Junjie
Michel Claire
Mortessagne Fabrice – group leader
Pellerin Floriane
Razo Lopez Luis Alberto
Zanaglia Lucas

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Theoretical physics


Our team works in different themes pertaining to quantum physics and relativity, approached with analytical as well as numerical approaches. We are working on correlated quantum systems with few or many bodies, with applications to cold atoms, mesoscopic physics, Efimov physics or correlated photonic systems. Quantum field theory is another important research topic, especially quantum chromodynamics. Finally we are developing researches in relativity with applications to satellite positioning systems.

Team members

Albert Mathias
Batrouni George
Buffenoir Eric
Gattobigio Mario
Hébert Frédéric – group leader
Huynh Juliette
Jin Tony
Larré Pierre-Élie
Miniatura Christian
Rubin Jacques
Olsen Hazel Leigh
Vignolo Patrizia

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