Center for mechanical characterisation


The Center for Micro- and Nanorheometry is one of the technology platforms of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. It is available to Institute members and, as part of contracts or consulting services, to external companies and institutions.
The Center manages equipment for measuring forces (AFM, nanoindenter) and couples (rotational rheometers) at micrometer and nanometer scales as well as for the characterization of nanoparticles (size, charge, etc.)
Located at INPHYNI, the Center has access to equipment there as well as apparatus at member laboratories with similar conditions of use.
The Center’s three, main activities consist of:

  • Organizing the use of existing equipment and acquiring new devices deemed necessary to further its expertise.
  • Offering both public and private partner laboratories and companies expert consulting and services.
  • Providing training in its specialized techniques to both university and continuing education students.

Volkova Olga – team leader

Center for imaging and optical characterisation




Claudet Cyrille – team leader
Benrezzak Sakina

Center for micro-fabrication and physico-chemical characterisation

Chemistry lab
Chemistry lab
  • Wet chemical etching (HF, BOE, KOH, etc.)
  • Oxygen plasma activation of surfaces
  • Development of micro-fluidic devices by photolithography
  • Synthesis, deposition and characterisation of materials: micro or nano-structured
  • Procurement, secure stock management, waste management
  • Risk prevention

Izmaylov Yaroslava – team leader