Waves in complex systems

Wave transport in complex media is a multidisciplinary area of research. In addition to fundamental questions, it has numerous applications in fields such as medical imaging, geosciences and telecommunications.
Our research group develops versatile experimental platforms in optics and microwaves to address a range of topics, including:
  • Topological photonics and non-hermitian physics
  • Thermodynamics of light
  • Microwave chaotic reverberation chambers
  • Light scattering and Anderson localization
  • Ultrafast light-matter interaction


We are always looking for candidates at all levels (BSc, MSc, PhD, Post-Doc). Don't hesitate to contact us spontaneously. We also have the following vacancies: Come and join us between the sea and the mountains!

News and Events

Oct. 2024 – Welcome Floriane!

Floriane Pellerin is starting her PhD on Femtosecond laser tuning of nanoparticles in optical fibers in collaboration with the Fibre optics and applications group.


Sept. 2024 – Congratulations Junjie and Léo!

Junjie Lu and Léo Colliard successfully defended their PhD. Junjie worked on Poles and zeros of the scattering matrix and coherent perfect absorption in tunable reverberating environments and Léo on Direct-laser-writing in optical fibers. Congratulations to them and good luck for the future!


Apr. 2024 – Congratulations Alberto!

Alberto Razo Lopez successfully defended his PhD entitled Localization of electromagnetic waves beyond Anderson : role of correlations, symmetries and topology. Congratulations! Alberto continues now as a postdoc in the group.