Past events:
GDR Micro Nano Fluidique
Organization of the GDR MNF at Hotel Saint Paul in Nice, 18-19 November 2024.
Ludovic Keiser (INPHYNI), Philippe Thomen (INPHYNI) and Céline Cohen (INPHYNI)
Fluids & Complexity III
We are organizing the Fluids & Complexity III conference in Nice (hotel Le Saint-Paul) from December 6 to 8 with the support of the Fédération Doeblin.
Abstracts must be submitted by September 24.
Ludovic Keiser (INPHYNI), Rudy Valette (CEMEF) and Céline Cohen (INPHYNI)
Workshop Fluids & Complexity: Microfluidics for Life Sciences
We are pleased to annonce the workshop "Microfluidics for Life Sciences" which will take place in Institut de Physique de Nice Thursday 11th and Friday 12th May.
Detailed program soon available.
A buffet will be served for all participants for lunche. Registration and buffet are free, it is however mandatory to register here.
Workshop Fluids & Complexity: Tribology, Mechanics, Rupture, Materials
A buffet will be served for all participants for lunche. Registration and buffet are free, it is however mandatory to register before Thursday, september 14th using the following evento survey:
For those interested, you are invited to present a poster, please enter the title in comment during your registration.